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Technology Insight: NEOM


What if technology could not just make cities “smarter” but help us entirely reimagine the idea of a city of the future? NEOM is a visionary giga project that aspires to apply the most advanced in current and emerging technologies to realize a bold urban development concept called THE LINE, the revolutionary infrastructure concept that will bring about the world’s first “cognitive city”. 

neXt Curve is joined by Mansoor Hanif, Executive Director of Emerging Technologies at NEOM to explore the following topics:

  • Introducing NEOM and THE LINE – Mansoor provides an overview of NEOM, one of Saudi Arabia’s giga projects that aspire to transform their economy and set a new standard for living and reimagining our cities. He also introduces THE LINE, an innovative concept for urban design that balance
  • How is NEOM different from smart cities as we know them? – Mansoor explains how NEOM is a ground-up rethinking of urban design and the role that rationale behind the revolutionary concept that is THE LINE.
  • What technologies are the key enablers of THE LINE? – Mansoor shares his top three (ends up being five) favorite technologies that he believes will make THE LINE the landmark infrastructure that it is conceived to be.
  • How will THE LINE change how we think about smart cities? – Mansoor explains how NEOM will be a testbed for unconstrained innovations that could reconstitute Saudi Arabia’s economy and benefit and hopefully accelerate the digital transformation of cities around the world while helping humanity live in better balance with our natural environment.

Neom cognitive city the line saudi arabia
reThink Podcast featuring Mansoor Hanif, Executive Director of Emerging Technologies, NEOM

Our reThink Media Center features the YouTube video podcast of this episode.

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